Have you noticed signs at cash registers around town requesting that customers make purchases with exact change? No, we are not having a nationwide “coin shortage,” but the pandemic has indirectly left financial institutions and businesses a little “short changed.”
With more people staying at home and shifting to online purchases, there has been a dramatic decrease in coin circulation. As a result, coin allocations delivered to financial institutions have been limited, affecting the amount they can distribute to their business members or customers.
We could use your help. If you have a lot of coins in your loose change jar at home, cash them in at Hawaii FCU so we can help our members and local businesses. Check your car cup holders, dig between your sofa cushions, and empty your piggy banks, too.
Hawaii FCU is happy to provide coin wrappers to make it easier for you to bring in your coins. We will also accept unwrapped coins, but ask that you please count and separate your coins by denomination. Mahalo for helping us to keep coins in circulation!